Do you have an applied research project that could benefit from the support of an innovative intern, at a subsidized rate?
- As a nonprofit national research organization with funding from the Government of Canada, provincial and territorial governments, participant organizations, academic partners and academic member fees, Mitacs injects funding, skilled talent, and collaborative partnerships into Canada’s innovation ecosystem. Mitacs offers a variety of different programs, but the two we will highlight include Accelerate and Elevate.
If you are a for-profit corporation, eligible not-for-profit corporation, municipality or hospital in Middlesex County looking for an eligible undergrad or graduate student or post-doctoral fellow to work on a research project, then the Mitacs Accelerate program might be for you. Accelerate allows you the opportunity to “solve your research challenges with academic expertise, leveraged funding, and one-to-one support from Mitacs. Internships start at four months and can scale up as much as you need”. For a four-month project, an organization’s financial contribution starts at $7,500, which Mitacs will match.
If you are an eligible for-profit corporation, crown corporation or not-for-profit corporation in Middlesex County looking for a postdoctoral fellow to address a two-year research project, then the Mitacs Elevate program might be for you. Elevate allows you the opportunity to “solve your business challenges with a top-ranked research expert trained to address your business needs”. Your financial contribution starts at $30,000 per year, which Mitacs will match.
For more information on Mitacs programs, please contact: Mustafa Khdair, Business Development Director at @email