Middlesex County Launches 2021-2022 Invest in Middlesex Business Profile Videos
London, ON
Middlesex County is proud to announce their latest round of “Invest in Middlesex” videos. The series of eight videos profile the people and businesses that make up the Middlesex economy and highlights the County’s brand “Invest in Middlesex County…we appreciate your business.”
The videos offer are an inspiring look into local businesses, and the reasons why they have chosen to invest in the area. “Many businesses choose Middlesex County for various reasons including the close proximity to border crossings and the 401 and 402 series highways, skilled local workforce and the quality of life. This video series is a great way for others to see why they too would want to call Middlesex County ‘home,’” says Cara Finn, Director of Economic Development.
Middlesex County businesses have truly persevered during these last 2 years letting their passion shine through in the amazing services provided. With this series, we celebrate the resiliency and growth shown by all businesses across the County. Another goal of this series is to emphasize the diversity of businesses in the area. In addition to representing each of the municipalities in the County, the businesses featured in the series represent all four of the key sectors of the Middlesex County economy, which are agri-business, manufacturing, tourism, and small business.
To view these videos, please visit https://investinmiddlesex.ca/video-feed.